Welcome to TAN. You can post photos, videos, and events. You can make friends with other members, and join groups. Please check back weekly for updates.; I do not know any button accordion teachers in Dallas area. I teach beginner lessons here in Killeen. What style do you want to play. Also you could join us weekly in a lesson on ooVoo, Skype ( two way ) or Ustream. ( one way )
We could try some Skype sessions. It is a little tricky, but works. Some problems with time zones. have taught weekly a 12 year old girl fiddle on the East coast for two year. How far are you with playing? Do you play one row only, three rows out only or three row out and in/ Do you read music? How much muscle memory have you developed? i.e. play a song without sheet music. How long will you be in Dallas? Do you have an iPad. Horner has some good teaching apps for the iPad!
Daniel Kott
Welcome to TAN. You can post photos, videos, and events. You can make friends with other members, and join groups. Please check back weekly for updates.; I do not know any button accordion teachers in Dallas area. I teach beginner lessons here in Killeen. What style do you want to play. Also you could join us weekly in a lesson on ooVoo, Skype ( two way ) or Ustream. ( one way )
Sep 29, 2013
Daniel Kott
We could try some Skype sessions. It is a little tricky, but works. Some problems with time zones. have taught weekly a 12 year old girl fiddle on the East coast for two year. How far are you with playing? Do you play one row only, three rows out only or three row out and in/ Do you read music? How much muscle memory have you developed? i.e. play a song without sheet music. How long will you be in Dallas? Do you have an iPad. Horner has some good teaching apps for the iPad!
Sep 29, 2013