A good book for chord system instruction for all keyboard players - Chord Piano is Fun by T.K. Gopforth

                                                                     - FOR NONACCORDIONIST


Mario Pedone
  • Male
  • Sugar Land, TX
  • United States
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Mario Pedone's Friends

  • Richard Keistler
  • Lawrence Streifel
  • Gholamreza Seyed Hassani
  • Pamela Tom
  • Rebecca Huck
  • samuel manu
  • Beverly Garcia
  • Anne Sliter
  • Chris Rybak
  • Debra Peters
  • Shelia Lee
  • Daniel Kott

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Mario's Biography

Mario Pedone was born on October 5 - 1951 in Valenzano, a small town near Bari in Southern, Italy. In an effort to improve the family's financial situation they immigrated to Valencia, Venezuela in 1959. Mario's older brother Ludovico had begun to study the accordion and Mario was always watching him hoping one day he also play this wonderful Instrument. He persistently begged his father to let him start accordion lessons too and eventually succeeded.

His first teacher was Franco Cupertino, Mario devoted at least 4 to 5 hours per day Practicing the accordion. After few years Professor Miguel Casas Auge from Spain and Founder of the Valencia Accordion Club and also conductor of the Valencia Symphony Orquesta assumed Mario's accordion education. he was fallowed by Professor Roberto Ruscitti, a renowed classical accordionist who took care of his education for the next 7 years.

On march 24 - 1972, Mario graduated as a Concertista from the School Academia de Acordeon Smith, directed by Roberto Ruscitti. In March 1974 he earned a Cum Laude diploma in accordion from the same school. On April 30 - 1976 he graduated with a degree of Professor of Accordion.

After graduation he founded his own accordion school, Academia Latina de Acordeon were he had over 125 students. most of his former students are now playing professionally.

Mario was a member of the Valencia Accordion Club and Co-founder of the Orquesta Latina Together with famous Spanish singer Esteban Abarca. The orquesta Latina Performed all over Venezuela. Also has won numerous championships with both, Accordion and Organ. In 1981 in search for better future, Mario moved to Sugar Land, Texas USA with His wife Marbella and children. He has performed professionalyy in many Countries including Colombia, Venezuela, Sweden, Italy, and canada. Mario has his own recording studio in Sugar Land,TX were he has arranged and recorded hundreds of tunes including many of his own compositions. His musical range includes, but is not limited to Classical, Latin, European, American Standards. He also produce CDs, background music for other musicians and singers. In 2002 and 2003 Mario was invited to perform in the famous Accordion Festival celebrated in Ransäter, Sweden having a big success, one of Mario’s composition Bergen’s polka is well known in the Scandinavian Countries. Others performances include: San Antonio Accordion Club in Texas, special performance sponsor by Jack Stankus in Austin, TX, National Accordion Convention in Dallas, TX, Arizona Accordion Club, Accordion Smash in Orlando, FL, Oklahoma Accordion Club, TV Channel 22 in Houston, TX, Las Vegas Accordion Convention, Salt Lake Accordion Club in Utah, Accordion by the Sea Festival in Victoria, BC Canada, Performance in Montreal Canada, Accordion Club in Natick Massachusetts , Viking Hull in Massachusetts, Accordion Connection in Concorde, NH, Ageless Dreamer in Dover, NH, Accordion Festival in Kimberley BC Canada, Calgary AB Canada and performance with the Houston Symphony.

On December 14, 2003 Mario founded the Fort Bend County Accordion Club, in December 2004 the Club sponsored the first great accordion concert in Sugar Land, TX featuring: Frank Marocco, Anatoly Yegorov, Mario Pedone and Singer Liberty Palileo. On February 2007 the Houston, Fort Bend and Bay Area Accordion Clubs sponsored an Accordion Concert Tribute to the Great musician JOE VENTO. At the moment Mario holds the Position of President of Houston Accordion Club.

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At 2:47pm on March 28, 2019, Joy said…

Good Day,

How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on:( ) for the full details.

Have a nice day

Thanks God bless.


At 10:28am on August 31, 2014, Tony Hermanek said…

Mario, a while back I bought one of your Country music books. I was asked by another member of the Chicago Accordion Club for your contact info and a list of the music with prices and instructions on purchasing one of your books. He's interested in the book with Yakkety Sax.

Please email me with the info at

Thanks, Tony Hermanek

At 4:55pm on April 14, 2010, Daniel Kott said…
Thank you for signing on. Also you can make friends with others on TAN and communicate with them. When you post and event, it will send a message to all your firends. It will also tabulate RSVP's You can post events and your playing schedule, photos, videos, etc. Thanks for all the help.


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