A good book for chord system instruction for all keyboard players - Chord Piano is Fun by T.K. Gopforth

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Accordion Music at Our Wedding Reception

Great News!!!

I finally got "re hitched!" On March 24, 2013, Dr. Julia A. Wagner of Houston, Texas and I tied the knot at the SPJST Lodge 88 in Houston.

Julie is the one on the left. She studied guitar with me about 40 years ago, and she has also taken care of my dogs from time to time. She plays the 5-string banjo and is learning how to play the accordion.

Those of you who know me are aware that I have been trying to learn to play conjunto style accordion for about a year or so. I met Santiago Jimenez, Jr. at a party at Shelia Lee's HAPI on May 5, 2012, when he came for a clinic to show us how to play his style. I became a big fan of his.

When Julie and I started thinking about music for the reception, we decided to ask Santiago to play for us first. He accepted the gig. The guests were really thrilled with the music. He did a great show.

And we got this photo!

We couldn't have been more pleased!!!!

The photos were taken by David Thomason of Fort Worth, Texas.

BTW, Julia is now a member of this forum. If you know me, please feel free to friend her!


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Comment by Bill Palmer on April 14, 2013 at 8:46pm

Thanks very much.

Comment by on April 14, 2013 at 7:40pm

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Palmer!!!


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