A good book for chord system instruction for all keyboard players - Chord Piano is Fun by T.K. Gopforth

                                                                     - FOR NONACCORDIONIST


Daniel Kott's Comments

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At 4:00am on December 17, 2015, Eric Paul Mendoza said…
Thanks Daniel.
BTW do you have any idea why your FR 1X doesn't work?
At 10:57am on November 6, 2014, Pamela Bingham Sheppard said…

Thanks Daniel. I'm a Sax/Clarinet player and beginner accordion player. Have accordion players in a couple of my bands and love the instrument!

Will enjoy following all info and happenings through this site.

All the best, Pam

At 4:54pm on July 30, 2014, Jackie Moody said…

Thanks, Mr. Kott.  Thanks for letting me join the group here.  I guess accordion is one of those things on my bucket list that I have decided now would be a good time to tackle.  I am particularly interested in the Roland V-Accordions - look like a bunch of fun, lots of different sounds, settings, etc. - I don't think I would ever get bored with it.  Do you happen to know anyone out in my neck of the woods that plays accordion that would be willing to give me a few in person pointers?  I know I live deep in the heart of "oom pah pah" country (I lumped it all together in a category - no offense to anyone) so I'm quite certain there is someone out here.

I am quite sure I will have some questions as I go along.  But first, I must get an accordion.  Back to my research and decision making....  I plan to visit Heritage Arts tomorrow and have my first real look at an accordion.  I'm very excited!

At 8:42pm on June 19, 2014, rdemilliano said…

Thanks! I generally can't make weekend events because of work. However, I generally take a vacation day for the Squeeze-Off we are holding this weekend, Sat the 21st. We really would like some folks on the Net to come by. There are usually players from Dallas area, Houston area and several from Central Tx ... however, Austin accordionists never seem to want to come north on I-35. That said, there will be food, jams, accordions for sale and a Roland rep there with some of the newest reedless offerings ... AND, it's all free!!! Try make it or tell some of your friends about it.


At 4:35am on September 30, 2013, Daniel Thrum said…
Hi Mr Kott
I will only be in Dallas for a few days. I hoped to have a lesson and make a connection for possible skype lessons.
I can't read music but can play 5 or 6 tejano traditional songs I can play nearly all major scales on the gcf diatonic, and some with added third and added sixth.
I wish my muscle memory was better but alas I am 41 yrs old .
I have however played guitar for 25yrs.
I have absolutely fallen in love with the accordion I am obsessed with it. Thanks for your reply.
At 3:26pm on September 29, 2013, Daniel Thrum said…
Hi Daniel kott,
Im coming to visit my relatives in Dallas in early November
Im trying to organize some face to face lessons.
I couldn't buy a new hohner here in Sydney Australia the hohner rep only imports harmonicas.
No one plays or teaches button here.
There are piano accordion player's and teachers and alot of the old Italian community that migrated here play.
I have been learning tejano or tex mex from dvds like flaco Jimenez homespun dvd.
I would love to have some lessons via skype
Thanks for letting me join your site.
At 12:55am on November 19, 2012, Gerald said…

Thank you Daniel for your comment.  I am new to playing an accordion and while browsing I came across your very interesting site.

I'm living in Ireland (Co. Clare) where accordion playing is quite popular, however, mostly if not all are of the diatonic type, whereas, my interest is in the piano accordion and Jimmy Shand being my favourite style.

My accordion is an old but in mint condition Cintioli 120 Bass which was especially made for the Italian Olympics of 1960.  I had planned to sell it on eBay and buy a smaller accordion but as Christmas in approaching I am going to hang on to it and save the pennies until later.

Cheers for now and thank you for the welcome


At 5:29pm on August 22, 2012, Jeannie Adkins said…

My name is Jeannie Adkins and I became a member today.  The reason is that I have a Hohner MPER AL II M Accordion, that I have researched for days and cannot fine any history or value on this accordion. I have spoken to collectors, distributors and it has led me to Texas Accordion Net.  The accordion was label just as I indicated.  MPER AL II M.  It seems that the i's were left off (not taken off) the spelling for Imperial.  I have photos that show the details very well.  It is in excellent condition and it has its own case.  I have found the Imperial III M and it is identical to the Hohner MPER AL II M.  I think that it may have been especially made for someone as one of a kind, because it is so differently label from any of the Hohner accordions.  It dates back to early 1930's or late 1920's.  I have included some photos for your review and I have others but I cannot get them to upload properly.  Please, I would very much appreciate any assistance and or information that you can share with me.Hohner%20Accordion%20Photo%205.docxHohner%20Accordion%20Photo%204.docxHohner%20Accordion%20Photo%203.docxHohner%20Accordion%20Photo%202.docxHohner%20Accordion%20Photo%201.docx 

At 5:25pm on June 19, 2012, james mcintyre said…

Thanks David i appreciate the message..I took my 1st   lesson today on a old 25 key-2button row kids accordion that i had forever.when i played the teacher accordion it just blew me away it sounded so good. Would like to buy a better one,but i am puzzled on which to get it in.Looking forward to learning from this you all.

At 10:05pm on June 6, 2012, Susan Torres said…

hi Dan, yes, we can meet after class.  very much appreciated, sir! 


At 3:58pm on May 24, 2012, megan jennings said…

Thanks for the invite but it's a little far to travel. I live in New Zealand. Thanks Daniel for the music site. it's so nice to find some different music. I currently have 12 students all with different tastes.The New Zealand accordion association will be having our national competitions next week. 2 &3 June.

At 1:08pm on May 23, 2012, J Maturin said…

Hi my houston area band needs an accordion player bad. Please anyone contact me thanks J Maturin 7133022276

At 12:31pm on May 7, 2012, Gholamreza Seyed Hassani said…

Thank you for friend request.

At 10:40am on May 7, 2012, Gholamreza Seyed Hassani said…

Dear Mr.Daniel Kott,

Thank you very much for your nice comment.It is my honour to be a member of this lovely group.I will try to be a very active member.As you may know,I am an accordion player,maker and collector from Tabriz/Iran.You can watch my interview on World Accordion Day at 5th hour after Afganistan.

At 10:04pm on January 11, 2012, Rosa Tennyson said…
Thank you Daniel for the warm welcome. We do have a group that meets monthly in North Houston, but my schedule doesn't allow me to participate at this time. I don't get to Austin very much but I will keep your invitation in mind.
At 7:28pm on September 12, 2011, Rebecca Huck said…
Thank You Dr Kott.  This site is a great resource.
At 7:07pm on September 12, 2011, Rebecca Huck said…

Thank You for all the awesome resources, Dr. Kott.  Becca is studying the beginner online workshop to get familiar with the chords.  Great site.

At 11:09pm on June 9, 2011, Jose Melendez said…
Thanks how can I add my new email to up date my profile?
At 6:28pm on March 17, 2011, bob cummins said…

Thanks a lot! I found Mr. E's Music Store in Arlington. It looks really cool.

At 4:36pm on March 17, 2011, bob cummins said…

Hi Daniel,


  I am new to the accordian. I won a used 26/12 Honher in an auction. I live in Dallas and I am trying to find new straps for it. I also want to take lessons. Do you have any suggestions?


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