A good book for chord system instruction for all keyboard players - Chord Piano is Fun by T.K. Gopforth

                                                                     - FOR NONACCORDIONIST


Accordion Lesson PH2 Session 7 - Nov 2 at Noon CST (Saved for future viewing)

Accordion Lesson PH2 Session 7 - Nov 2 at Noon CST (Saved for future viewing)

We broadcasted from The International Accordion Convention in Las Vegas.
We did have to broadcast 2 hr earlier - in order to avoid the other workshops here. We had
a bad signal - the audio is good and the video keeps locking up. I did a side video camera recording
and I will see if I can it it uploaded and rebroadcasted.

Link to Live Broadcast: search for "Accordion Lesson"

Link to Printout:
7 PH Bk 2 - Keyboard - Session 7-smaller file.pdf

SOLOS that are included:
Song #7 - PH Book 2 – Echo Waltz
Companion Songs:
1. The Little Café by the Habour (Dutch)
2. El Paso (Country Western)
3. Amazing Grace (Sacred)

PH Speed Drill #1
A Major, A Minor & Bb Major Scales and Arpeggios
All songs have an exercise showing the RH chords to play for BLOCK
Other technique building skills
Other practice tips and hints

Shelia Lee and Mark Ropel are broadcasting LIVE at Noon on EVERY TUESDAY
starting Sept 21 from Houston Accordion Performers' music studio.
They will be featuring one song from Palmer & Hughes Accordion Book 2
along with 3 or more companion songs - with little technique building tips and
solo enhancements that will make ANY song you perform sound GREAT.

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