A good book for chord system instruction for all keyboard players - Chord Piano is Fun by T.K. Gopforth

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CTAA party in Sequin, Texas

Event Details

CTAA party in Sequin, Texas

Time: September 25, 2010 from 4pm to 7pm
Location: Harold & Gillian Siemens home
Street: see map
City/Town: Seguin, Texas
Phone: 830-379-4575
Event Type: party
Organized By: Harold Siemens
Latest Activity: Aug 25, 2010

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Event Description

Hello All CTAA Members, It is time to PARTY!!! You are invited to come and join the fun on Saturday, September 25, at 4:00 p.m. at the home of Harold and Gillian Siemens in Seguin, Texas. Please bring your squeezebox and join in the jamming. Harold will provide the hamburgers and shish kebab and you may bring a side dish. Lemonade and ice tea will be provided. Please RSVP to Harold at "" by September 15. His home telephone number is (830) 379-4575. You will be sent a map and directions to his home when you RSVP. Some of our CTAA members do not list an email address so please help get the word to them if you can. Hope to see you on September 25. -- Rudy

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